Monday, January 20, 2014

Jyotish certified gemstones for Gem Therapy | Gemstoneuniverse | Gem Therapy |White sapphire astrology gem

White sapphire Jyotish gems for Planet Venus benefits.

White Sapphire often referred to as the colorless Sapphire is the Gemstone of Venus and it used as a Diamond Alternative. Also referred to as Safed Pukhraj it gives very good results as a Venus Gemstone as per Gemstone Astrology.

Venus is the planet of Luxury and Beauty and represents Style, Panache and class. The same attributes should be there in its Gemstone- The White Sapphire. The ideal White Sapphire should be untainted white but if it is unheated a very slight tint of blue and cream is acceptable.
Jyotish Quality White Sapphire is very rare. For a gem to be Jyotish Quality it has to be beautiful, lustrous, full of that special spark that empowers it to work like a Vedic Gem besides being fully natural and unheated.

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Natural red coral |Jyotish gems and vedic gemology | Gemstoneuniverse

Interesting myths and insights about Natural red coral for Jyotish gem Therapy.

In Which Finger to wear Red Coral/ Moonga
The Red coral should be worn in the ring finger. The ring finger represents the energies of the Sun. Sun is the king of the 9 planets that influence human destiny and Sun is a friend of Mars. The ring finger is known as Anamika in Hindi and Sanskrit.

Red Coral also known as Praval or Moonga is the Gemstone of Mars as per Vedic Astrology. Mars/ Mangal is the commander of the army of the Gods and represents the essential attributes of Vitality, force, vigour and enthusiasm. In the Human body it represents Blood.

Jyotish Gems are not about being rich or poor. It should be in your destiny to posses one. So it is quite possible that an individual who is considerably rich still might not have in his fate to get a Jyotish Gem and vice versa.

While picking gems for use in planetary gem therapy, Gemstoneuniverse makes sure that these gems are top of the line, displaying enviable clarity and great lustre! There are no compromises made on quality and even great looking natural gems are rejected, if they carry internal flaws (doshas) that could interfere with your gem therapy. Your Gem therapy should be absolutely error free with no guess work- We ensure that.

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 Gemstoneuniverse- The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology




Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Natural iolite Jyotish Gemstones for Saturn | Gemstoneuniverse

Iolite Gemstone Top Ten Benefits | Kaka Nili Gemstone Healing
Pristine Premium with Top Color Iolites from Lot Devi
Pristine Premium with Top Color Iolites from Lot Devi
Iolite also known as the Neeli in the sacred texts is the Uparatna for Blue Sapphire. In some dialects it is also known as Kaka Neeli/ Kaka Nili.  Profound in its impact wherein may people consider its powers equivalent to the Blue Sapphire this Gem in Sanskrit is also called as Shani Priya- Much Loved by Saturn. In crystal healing and Chakra healing Iolite is used for the crown Chakra. Iolite is a Pleochroic Gemstone exhibits very strong Pleochroism. Also referred to as Dichroite it exhibits intense Violetish Blue, purplish blue, Light Blue and yellow grey Colors when viewed from different angles.
Iolite Gemstone Top Ten Benefits | Kaka Nili Gemstone Healing
Deep Royal Blue and fantastic clarity in new Iolite Lot Karuna

1)      Some people report that the Iolite is as powerful in its results and benefits like the Blue Sapphire. It is the Gem that is the favourite of the spouse of Lord Saturn and hence also referred to as Shanipriya- Literally meaning loved by Lord Saturn.
2)      It is the Gemstone of Higher ideals, values, knowledge, realization and higher consciousness as it directly impacts the crown chakra.
3)      It is a Gemstone that is used in Insomnia. It is a positive impact on the sleep cycle, biorhythm and improves the quality of rest and sleep.
4)      For those inclined towards occult, astral travel, out of body experiences Iolite Gemstone is very helpful as it fine tunes the intuition and heightens the perceptive powers.
5)      It provides protection from diseases boosts immunity and give strength to one Aura and auric field.
6)      It balances the male-female energies also known as Yin and Yang energies. It removes nervousness and increases objectivity in an Individual.
7)      Iolite directs one to stability, independence and resolve.
8)      It also aids in de-addiction and alcoholism and removes toxins from key energy centres of the body. It also helps in regeneration of the liver.
9)      It is a very good gemstone for those involved in intense physical activity such as sportsmen and athletes.
10)   Iolite has the healing ability to  cure sore throat, varicose veins, eruptions and blisters
New lot of Natural  Iolite Gemstones , “Devi” and “Karuna” for Gemstoneuniverse patrons:
Gemstoneuniverse is pleased to present new lot of Iolites from the lots Devi and Karuna for its patrons. Cut from our own rough these Iolites  are delightfully beautiful and powerful from Jyotish point of view.
Salient features of the new Lot of Iolites

1)      Pass the touch stones test of absolutely being Jyotish Quality Gemstones.
2)      Have a very Pleasing color varying from Top Royal Bluish Violet to Deep Royal Bluish Violet. Lovely hues of blues.
3)      Are All Natural earth Mined Iolites from Madagascar.
4)      Color spread evenly in the crystal.
5)      Precision cut allowing for maximum scintillation, shine, lustre and maximum play of light.
6)      Fantastic Clarity that makes them Jewellery Grade and sets them apart as Jyotish Gemstones.
7)      Are free from any flaws as listed in the sacred texts.
8)      Are brimming with Blessings of Lord Saturn

Gemstone Certification and appraisal of this lot is complete and you shall have them in the Iolite Gemstone inventory shortly.
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Natural ruby Jyotish Gemstone for Sun powers | Gemstoneuniverse

 Natural Unheated Ruby for Powers of Sun in Vedic Astrology
It can be quite a riddle – demand of ruby, as the traders know has been on an increase. The main sources of ruby have been exhausted by mining. The new sources yield a quality that is not comparable to the Burmese ruby the world has idealised. So when you step into the market, there is sizable ruby with great looks being offered at an affordable price.
When the former is the truth, how is this ruby being made available and at such costs? Read more to know about this gorgeous gemstone and the market truths…

Ruby Gemstone Meaning

One of the most precious and rare gemstone is ruby. Natural ruby of good quality is known to outdo colorless diamonds in price. There have been auctions by the two bigwig Christies and Sotheby's where rubies have fetched incredibly handsome amounts! Natural ruby is mineral corundum (same as sapphire) but is much rarer than sapphire. It is a gem that has been coveted by royalty and noblemen; the rich and the powerful for centuries, who have been enamoured by this gem that is symbolic of blood, courage, passion and love.
For instance take a look at this Etcetera ring - a 6.04-ct. Burmese ruby ring that sold for $3.3 million, or a world record $551,000 per carat, at a Hong Kong auction in May 2012.
 The world record setting Etcetera Ring with Burmese Ruby Image Courtesy The Gemstandard
The world record setting Etcetera Ring with Burmese Ruby Image Courtesy The Gemstandard
The previous record was held by a ruby and diamond ring owned by legendary actress and gem lover  Elizabeth Taylor that  sold for $4.2 million and set a per-carat record for a ruby at $512,925. 
 Elizabeth Taylor and her Burmese Ruby and Diamond ring
Elizabeth Taylor and her Burmese Ruby and Diamond ring

This should get an individual some idea about true value of rubies!

Ruby Gemstone Mineral

Natural ruby is mineral corundum (aluminium oxide - Al2O3) coloured red by presence of trace element chromium. An important physical characteristic of ruby is its inner glow - ruby actually fluoresces

Synthetic ruby is the same chemical composition but is manufactured in the lab using the flame fusion process, unlike the natural ruby which is formed in nature over millions of years. Synthetic ruby is available in the markets for few dollars per carat, while natural ruby is rare and precious.
Boules of Synthetic ruby Image courtesy Gemstones and rough
Boules of Synthetic ruby Image courtesy Gemstones and rough

Sources of Ruby gemstone

Natural ruby traditionally has meant “Burmese ruby”  or “Burma ruby” - the one coming from the Mogok valley – the one with the imperial pigeon blood color. However, supplies dried up as far back in time as 1962, when the Mogok mines were completely dug out. The rule of the military junta did not help either. While the price of ruby soared, the lovely deep red of Mogok could not be found anywhere no matter where prospecting and mining was done for rubies.

Around the year 2000, new deposits were found near Mong Hsu in Burma but the Mong Hsu rubies had a blue/ purplish hue to them. This was corrected and appearance was enhanced using heat treatment.  For an individual buying a Burmese Mong Hsu ruby, it should be assumed that it is heat treated. Any natural, untreated ruby will be specified to be treatment free in certification and will obviously command a much higher price.
Unheated Mong Hsu Ruby Courtesy GRS
Unheated Mong Hsu Ruby Courtesy GRS

In search for ruby after the end of Mogok story, Thai, Vietnamese and Cambodian rubies were discovered and mined. Thai rubies were nice but had a deep red color due to high iron content making it look almost like garnets. Most of these rubies were heat treated for visual enhancement. Rubies from this belt display blue or purplish hue quite strongly and therefore are invariably heat treated. 
Thai Ruby Image courtesy Gems Jewelry Thai
Thai Ruby Image courtesy Gems Jewelry Thai

Ruby deposits were discovered in Mozambique and Tanzania belt that did yield fairly good ruby. There were also discovery of ruby gem deposits at Vatomandry and Andilamena in Madagascar. Although the color and the crystal of the Madagascar ruby is generally not very good, exceptional gem material does come through sometimes. The Tanzania ruby, coming from the Winza mines is said to be pretty close to its Burmese counterpart in appearance.
Madagascar Andilamena Ruby Image courtesy Gem explorer
Madagascar Andilamena Ruby Image courtesy Gem explorer

Then there are the Tajikistan rubies that come from the mountainous Murghab in Gorno Badakshan area. These rubies are produced in marble deposits and are of red and pinkish red color.

Ruby gemstone deposits have been found in India, quite significantly in Orissa but are low quality with poor clarity and more of a marbled look. Star rubies or Rubies displaying the special optical phenomenon of asterism from India are however well known. This is because star rubies are cabochon cut and clarity does not matter. In fact, low clarity gems are often shaped as cabochons.
Orissa Ruby
Orissa Ruby

Treatments in Ruby Gemstone
the most well known treatment for rubies is heat treatment where rubies are heated to around 1700 degree centigrade (a little below their melting point), at which temperature the inner silk melts and the gem is enhanced with better clarity and color. Heat treatment done to various specimens of rubies of varying qualities will yield different result.
Heat treatment on rubies before and after Image courtesy Palagems
Heat treatment on rubies before and after Image courtesy Palagems

Traditionally, the other treatment of rubies has been of fracture filling in the rubies with lead glass, as it has its refractive index closest to corundum. The resulting ruby is much clearer and beautiful.
Cracks that can appear in Fracture  filled ruby upon heating or exposure to chemicals Image courtesy ajsgem
Cracks that can appear in Fracture  filled ruby upon heating or exposure to chemicals Image courtesy ajsgem

However, setting such pieces of glass filled ruby in jewelry pieces is difficult as torch heating while setting may melt the lead glass which has a much lesser melting point leaving the ruby damaged and ugly looking.
There is a newer variety of ruby doing rounds in the market now being sold as “composite ruby”. Beware of the fancy name. It is just small pieces of corundum bonded together with lead glass to form a ruby. And this ruby corrodes easily when it comes in contact with house hold chemicals as well as lemon juice! One wouldn’t expect this after a hefty price paid!
The Sham called Composite ruby Image courtesy NBC news
The Sham called Composite ruby Image courtesy NBC news

At any retail entity, proper disclosure of any treatment done to the gemstone is an absolute must.
The World Jewellery Confederation known as CIBJO does not recognize composite stones as genuine gemstones. CIBJO defines composite stones as: "artificial products composed of two or more, previously separate, parts or layers assembled by bonding or other artificial methods."
Do ask for certification, origin and receipts while purchasing your precious ruby- whether you are buying ruby necklace, ruby earrings, ruby pendant, or even loose ruby stone! You would not want to give a ruby engagement ring to your beloved and later discover that the price you paid was for a fake! Gemstone therapy works only with Natural, Unheated beautiful Rubies that excel on the 4C's of cut, color, clarity and carat weight.
View  Gemstoneuniverse inventory of certified natural rubies

Selected Rings, Pendants and Talismans made available to patrons in July 2013 Table Natural Mozambique Ruby Gemstone Facts

Natural Mozambique Ruby
1.24 carats
Planetary Energy
Patron Location
Bangalore, India
All inclusive Price
$ 2539.67 / INR 152380
Featured today is a natural Mozambique ruby of 1.24 carats. The oval shape ruby gemstone has a lovely deep Purple Imperial Pigeon Blood Red Colour. It is a special gem with fantastic color much coveted by the real ruby connoisseurs.
Natural ruby gemstone or manik is the precious gemstone of Sun / Surya and is used in  Vedic Astrology to harness the powers of this great planet.

To view this Gemstone before it was set please click here.
Note: The above links generally exist on the website for a period of 40 days after which they are periodically deleted to make way for new gemstones and to enable faster browsing.
Enjoy it in Video:

Abhijita Kulshrestha
Abhijita Kulshrestha is a communications professional and held the position of Research Associate at MICA- Mudra Institute of Communications Ahmedabad before becoming certified Planetary Gem Advisor from PGA Thailand. At present she is a senior consultant at She is a certified NLP Trainer and AJP from Gemological Institute of America-GIA
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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Jyotish gemstones for best results as per Vedic astrology | Gemstoneuniverse

Greetings from Gemstoneuniverse.

More about the Red coral Jyotish gemstone for powers of Mars!!!

What is a Coral?
Corals are actually the skeletal remains of a marine polyp. The fleshy skin polyps secrete a carbonic substance from which Coral grows like branches and trees in the warm waters of the ocean at a depth ranging from 10 feet to 500 feet.
Around 95% of the Coral is made up of Calcium Carbonate, around 3 % of magnesium carbonate and trace elements of iron.
There is heavy demand for organic Red Coral from Japan as it has the characteristic Bright Red Uniform color often referred to as the Mediterranean Ox Blood Color as this is much desired.

Red coral Jyotish gemstones | Gemstoneuniverse

How to differentiate Real Organic Japanese Red Coral from a Fake One!
The answer lies in the nature. Generally the Ventral/Top side of the Coral is highly polished and is free from any marks or indentations. However the dorsal side/back side of the Japanese Red Coral has the characteristic tell tale wood grain effect - line/lines-white or brown in color, groove pits and striations.
Featured here in this picture is a fine Japanese Red Coral from our collection of fine Natural Planetary Gemstones and Talismans that has both the Ventral and Dorsal Views that will make the marks of nature quite clear. If the dorsal side of the Coral is virtually free from any marks you can be assured 99% of the time that it is not a natural Coral!
Please ensure that when purchasing a Red Coral the certificate should read Natural Organic Red Coral.

Essentials about Jyotish Gemstones | Gemstoneuniverse

What is a Jyotish Quality Coral?
Jyotish quality Red Coral should be
- Fully Natural and organic. Precious Biogenic material!
- Created in the sea by marine polyp.
- Be free from any dyeing or wax filling.

- Should have even color.
We remain dedicated to the sacred art of planetary Gemology and our patrons.
Issued in Public Interest!
Information Courtesy
Guruji Shrii Arnav

To know more visit our website and also drop into our Retail facility at Indiranagar,Bangalore,India.
Gemstoneuniverse-The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology

Jyotish gemstones for Gem Therapy | Gemstoneuniverse


When you initiate a process, make sure you take it to a logical end. Success in endeavors is almost guaranteed if an individual applies this philosophy to every aspect of life and not just gem therapy.
If you do initiate the process of getting a good gemstone recommendation for the purpose of implementing planetary gem therapy, do make sure that you choose the correct tool – in this particular case, planetary gems of jyotish quality. The proper gem recommendation will be of no avail if you allow errors to creep in, especially when you vacillate (simply considering the price of the gems; mind you jyotish quality gems are a rare breed and will come at a premium) in choosing a jyotish gem.
Why, you would ask!
Because, jyotish gems are the crème de la crème of the gem world – that which sits atop the gem pyramid. It is not just about excelling on the 4C’s of cut, color, clarity and carat weight but also measuring up to the criteria and strictures listed in the shastras about what flaws are to be avoided in particular gems and what are the desired attributes that allow a gem to take a giant leap into the haloed category of jyotish gems.

Jyotish gemstones and insights into Gem Therapy | Gemstoneuniverse

For instance, emeralds can be classified jyotish quality after they make the cut where they do no have any of the 7 doshas/ flaws and have at least one of the 5 desired characteristics or one of the eight shades specified! To elaborate one of the flaws listed is about emerald that isn’t cool and smooth – rookshma and this kind of emerald brings disease. That which has a yellow spot in called a bishfota the texts caution against a fatal wounding by sharp weapon as a fallout of wearing such a gem! One of the 8 shades of green that is desirable in a jyotish gem is a green that is found in the Sirisa flower (Albezia Lebbeck Tree flower).

It must be remembered that when you decide to implement planetary gem therapy, you use planetary energy to enhance the quality of your life and pace up your progress. And the quality of energy you are tapping into is of great import. An individual may be affected by economic concerns especially while deciding on a gem. But it isn’t really the wisest approach.

The best course in such a situation in our estimation is to opt for a jyotish quality upratna / substitute gem, instead of opting for a flawed gem and then incurring more losses in the process – by way of negative consequences as well as dealing with regrets of having made a bad investment.
You may have an expensive gem, but in the light of the strictures regarding planetary gems and ruling out doshas , it takes the discerning eye of an astro-gemologist to determine whether it is jyotish grade and suitable for planetary gemology or not!

Visit our retail store at Indiranagar,Bangalore and see our collection of Jyotish gemstones

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Gemstoneuniverse-The Gold Standard in Planetary Gemology